Wednesday, August 24, 2011

...and I await the resurrction of the pedal steel guitar SUSAN ALCORN

i've wanted to post this LP for a while now but keep forgetting. it's truly a thing of beauty from the music to the absolutely stunning LP gatefold artwork. this was released way back when in 2006 by the always wonderful Olde English Spelling Bee. i'm still surprised this hasn't gotten much attention to this day.

this LP was Alcorn's 5th solo LP, and I haven't heard much from her recording-wise since. I saw her perform in various improv groupings at the No Idea Festival here in Austin a few years ago. but unfortunately have never seen her solo. considering she makes a living playing mostly country & western gigs is a testament to her very different solo music and how unique and heartfelt it is.

about this LP in particular....Alcorn talks in the liner notes about how a lot of this music was inspired by hearing Olivier Messiaen's "Et Exspecto Resurrectionum Mortuorum" while she was driving down the freeway in Houston. the track "and I await...." even shares the first three notes with said Messiaen piece. her playing on that track and throughout the entire album shows a sense of Messiaen's tonal cluster floating chords mixed with a more contemporary free-improv aesthetic. the music moves sometimes at a very slow pace, but patience is rewarded greatly throughout the LP.

this is great improv music and exceptionally beautiful and moving. Alcorn turns the pedal steel into a much richer instrument than just country & western music. physical LP copies still exist at Mimaroglu and I highly recommend getting one because the artwork adds a whole other dimension to the music. listen to it here and then go buy one!

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